Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September Review

Again it looks like the biggest problem with my stats is I haven't played enough hands. I probably did 8k hands a week back when I first started this blog and now I'm struggling to do it in a month.

Overall I think the stats look pretty sexy, my flop AF and cbet% have gone back up to a respectable level.

My turn cbet% is going in the right direction but my river AF isn't great, although it's a small sample for that.

Besides that there's been little bits of fluctuation here and there but nothing terribly interesting. My VPIP/PFR has stayed around the same level as last month, maybe this is my new style.

My won $ without showdown is still negative but I'm not terribly bothered about that.

I've decided I'm going to set a new goal. I completed my previous goal and since then I've put in about 10k hands so maybe some motivation will do me good.

I'm going to try to hit $20k by Christmas. I've got experience at $400nl already so I don't expect to have any psychological problems with moving back up, etc. Balancing time spent studying the game with time spent playing is something I'll have to improve if I want to achieve this though.

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