Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week 19

Bankroll is down to $3,254

Monday I was asleep for a lot of the day so I didn't get a whole lot done.

On Tuesday I listened to the conference calls for Chapter 5/6 (it was combined) and Chapter 7.

Wednesday I didn't do much.

Thursday I put in a long session. A mega donk ran ridiculously hot against me, I lost 6 buy-ins and decided to drop down to $100nl to rebuild. I think going back to college has had a bad effect on my game, I'm way more tired now and tilting a lot more than I ever have before. I might cut back playing to the weekends and only when I'm refreshed and not stressed out. The same thing happened a little over a year ago and really shattered my confidence (and my bankroll).

Friday I managed to get into the gym, if I could get in two or three times a week I'd be delighted. I also started taking whey protein again.

Saturday I started playing but my internet cut-off so I listened to the conference call for Chapter 8 instead. I watched a video later on as well.

Sunday I got in a decent session in the afternoon and got $40 worth of a reload bonus cleared.

A disappointing week overall, I've spent so much time at $100nl that being back here is pretty frustrating. I'm not sure what I can do to help improve my concentration though, I'm just auto-piloting way too much and not thinking things through. Meh.


roadsweeper said...

Why you take whey protein? There is enough protein sources available in food instead of taking that water retention formula :)

RedJoker said...

Because of this video:

I didn't realize there were downsides to it?